How to Write a Good CV

Rebecca Crowther • 9 January 2019

Can you write a good CV?

When you apply for a job, the first and maybe only thing that a hiring manager or recruitment professional is going to see from you is your CV. Therefore, this is your chance to tell them who you are, what you’ve done before and what you can do for them – so the question is can you write a good CV?

Did you know that the average amount of time spent reviewing a CV is less than 10 seconds?

It makes sense to maximise on this document and here’s a really simple way to do just that! Write out your CV as you would anyway, then take what you have and put it into three distinct sections: About you, your work history and your education and skills.

To find out if you can write a good CV follow our simple CV structure below and we’re sure the answer will be yes!

About you

  • Have you put your name and not ‘CV’ as the title of your CV?
  • Are all your contact details clear?
  • Have you written a short personal statement?
  • Does it use keywords about your skills and experience?

Your work history

  • Have you put it in reverse chronological order?
  • Is the job title clear?
  • Did you make it obvious exactly how long you worked there? Include the month!
  • Describing your responsibilities is great but have you listed your achievements?

Your education and skills

  • Is your education listed in the order of highest award first?
  • Have you grouped together school-level qualifications? (But specify English, Maths and Science!)
  • Have you included non-academic qualifications or skills? Languages? First aid?
  • If they show genuine achievements or responsibilities have you included hobbies/interests?

Finally, if you can make sure you’ve done all these things then you’ll have a CV that’s ready to be put in front of even the most experienced eyes. When you’re ready to go, follow these extra top tips:

  • Get someone else to read it and ask for their opinion!
  • Spell check won’t show you when the word is spelled correctly but not the right word (in/inn, of/off or to/too)
  • Have you thought about the appearance? Use bullet points and spacing to highlight what’s important!
  • Use one, professional font in one size throughout – and not comic sans!

Don’t forget to search through our jobs and send us your CV so we can contact you with the latest job opportunities that match what you are looking for.

Rebecca Crowther is a Marketing Executive for ASC Connections. Her love for writing started when she was young. In her current role, she loves creating content to support candidates on their career journey and help clients hire talented individuals.

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